How to Turn a Man into Rusted Iron Statue – Photo Manipulation


Enhance Highlights and Shadows.

Create a new layer at the top, fill it with gray color(#808080) and set blending mode to “overlay”

Using “Dodge tool(O)” and “Burn tool(O)” paint over the image to improve highlights and shadows respectively.


Group all layers (ctrl + G) except the background image and the original man image.

Name the grouped folder as “effect1”.

Using the brush provided in the link, mask out the unwanted areas of effect1.


Lets add some shadows to the edges of the skin.

Go to “effect1” folder layer, Ctrl + left click on the mask.

Create a new layer at the top and fill the selection with gray color (#808080) and set blending mode to “overlay”.

Add layer effects : Inner shadow and Outer glow with following properties.